Special dances Your wedding's first dance, wedding party dance, bride's father's dance, and groom's mother's dance will all be set to the music that you choose to have played by your DJ For Wedding Reception . One of the companies, Fourth Estate Audio, is one of those that believes it is best to open up the dance floor to guests after the first dance and the dances performed by the bridal party but before the dances performed by the bride's father and the groom's mother. People who have just eaten a big supper won't have time to become drowsy and may consider leaving before it's proper to do so. At a wedding reception, the newlyweds' first dance together as a married couple is often one of the events that they look forward to the most. After this, the DJ will play the music that you requested and then present you and your husband to the audience. Other guests who engage in the dances, including the bride and groom, the bride's paren...