Bouquet/Garter The bouquet and stiletto tosses, which will be carried out to the music of your choice, will be handled by the DJ. Since everyone will have had a few drinks by then, the music should once again be upbeat. You want songs that will heighten the enthusiasm for the event. Last Song The bride and groom often choose the night's last song in advance, and the DJ will make sure it plays at the proper time. Playing a special song for the couple as they depart the reception is a standard wedding DJ practise. The DJ has the option of choosing a song at random or one that the couple has chosen. The DJ will thank everyone for having him before saying farewell. The norm for Wedding DJ South Wales is that. Remember that not every DJ is the same. You should take choosing a DJ carefully since you want the best for your celebration. For a wedding reception to be a success, a talented DJ must be hired.